Monday, February 18, 2008


When I worked at the postal annex in Everett WA, there was a big, tall, handsome, macho, Latino man there who was very popular. He seemed always to have a group of admirers around him during the breaks. One day I got a big, glow-in-the-dark, rubber squid from my favorite store, Archie McPhee, in Seattle. Of course I brought it to work. I was in the restroom with it when this popular fellow came in, and I said to him, "Hey, watch this!" And I turned off the light and made the squid swim across the room. It looked eerie, and he was very impressed.

Later, on my way to the break room, I was met by this man and his group of disciples coming the other way, and he said, "Hey, Dale, show them your glow-in-the dark, rubber squid." I looked at him as though I didn't understand what he was talking about, so he added, "You know, what you showed me in the restroom." I gave him a funny look, as if he were nuts, and shrugged my shoulders. As I passed, I noticed all his followers also looking at him as though he were nuts, and he seemed to be at a loss for words.

Archie McPhee sells many items that can be used to build character.

For the complete contents of the Butter Rum Cartoon, click here.

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