Thursday, October 8, 2009


The following is the headline article in the October 7-8, 2009 issue of the Branson Daily Independent newspaper, Branson, Missouri, about our son, Andy Lund. Andy says his words were switched around some, but all-in-all we think it's a good article, and pro-life coverage in the media is an appreciated rarity. We thank Jann Clark for writing it, and the Branson Daily Independent for giving me the permission to reprint it here. As I type these words, Andy is still standing out there--wet, sunburned, and extremely tired.

Branson youth takes passion to the streets
by Jann Clark
Staff Writer

Twenty-year-old Andy Lund could be called a truth seeker, a lone wolf as he stands on a concrete sidewalk along Country Music Boulevard in hopes of speaking up for those who have no voice--the children of abortion.

Whether or not the passersby agree or disagree with Lund's "Abortion kills children" sign that's not what this young man is about. He says he just hopes to open the hearts of those who are willing to listen to the unborn children who can't be heard.

Lund became inspired last Sunday during Mass at Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church where the national movement Life Chain was discussed. Life Chain began as Let Me Live, a small pro-life ministry based 45 miles north of Sacramento, Calif.

Believers say God entrusted Life Chain to them in 1987, when people built America's first Chain throughout small towns like Yuba City and Marysville. It's considered "a serious first step to pro-life activism" that requires people to stand publicly for one hour, while holding a pro-life sign and praying. The national day for Life Chain was Sunday.

Lund, on his third day of standing, said he plans to spend six days and nights in the elements holding his sign after being inspired to take a stand.

As a Branson resident for the past 13 years, Lund calls Branson and the Ozarks home and plans to stay. He said his family has been understanding of the belief he has been called to express so publicly--even if it's not popular.

"Some people don't have a voice," Lund said. "Children depend on others for food, water and love. For six days, I'm that voice."

Lund, one of six children, said he's just began studying Islam because he believes it's important to bridge the cultural gap and gain understanding as the Muslim birth rate climbs to 8.1 compared to the American birth rate at 1.6.

"Our country is drowning in ideas and I just wanted to show a belief for a change," the 20-year-old said. "I do believe it's important to respect others' beliefs. However, abortion, it's a choice not a right."

As the slender, young man stands alone with his "Abortion kills children" sign motorists mostly seemed to read the sign and look away. Some honked and waved. Lund said by day it seems people are friendly and pro-life.

However, when night falls the response to Lund's quest turns somewhat unfriendly, he said.

Of his journey to show support for unborn children and their rights, Lund said, "It hasn't been too bad. It's legal as long as I stay awake and I stay standing. I'm putting myself in the place of the unborn. I believe I'm trying to do God's work.

"I hope to move hearts. I hope that people see that I'm out here even against my own instincts."

For the complete contents of the Butter Rum Cartoon, click here.


  1. I do not know you personally, Andy, but I am VERY PROUD of YOU for the stand you are making for God and the lives of the unborn!! You are a man of principle and faith, and I respect you. Consider yourself hugged by your Dad's cousin "Patty" Haugland Jones. (Your Grandma Julia and my dad Wes were sister and brother.) Blessings on your life and future!

  2. I saw you out there several times and wanted to say thanks for being the voice that we all needed to hear, but I never did. I would have gladly honked but feared you might think it as a sign of dissaproval. Keep on keeping on! :D
