Saturday, January 8, 2011


Some circles are still awaiting the release of "Sergeant Preston" on DVD, but I already have the whole series on DVD produced by Critics' Choice, and what fun to step back and watch these episodes! 

Since a kid in the mid-1950's, I have loved this show, have kept a collection of "Sergeant Preston" radio episodes on little 78 rpm records, and once ordered, via cereal offer, actual soil from the Yukon!  The advertising hinted that there was even the possibility of finding gold in it...or maybe I just imagined that part.  Anyway, I remember my Dad making some negative comment about how silly it was to spend money on dirt.

But the series, "Sergeant Preston," starring Richard Simmons (NOT the effeminate exercise guy), with his horse "Rex" and Canadian husky dog "Yukon King," was not dirt.  To us kids in the '50's, the Yukon seemed like the last frontier.  Dogs were in.  Horses were in.  And the Royal Canadian Mounted Police were in.  I lived in Blaine, Washington, at the time--right on the Canadian border--and when festivities were celebrated at Peace Arch Park and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police came, my imagination saw Sergeant Preston among them and I was thrilled!

It was unique in the series, too, that the RCMP were given so much respect, even by the bad guys, who thought twice before committing any aggression towards them, especially towards Sergeant Preston.  This show brings me back to a simpler time, of heroes who, instead of superpowers, relied on honesty, integrity, justice, courage, and faith.  Even the theme song, "Challenge of the Yukon," remains magical to me.

For the complete contents of the Butter Rum Cartoon, click here.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dale, thanks for remembering The Challenge of the Yukon, Sgt Preston and Yukon King. What a great show. I wholeheartedly agree with your point that integrity, justice and courage were the qualities of Sgt Preston that thrilled those of us who remember. Our world today could use a strong dose of each. Idealist, yes, but what is life without a vision? Lots of information on the web today about the show in both radio and TV, I like the radio best but dimly remember the video. I'll be 59 this year, 2011.
    Yes King, this case is closed!

    Kind regards, Tim Bradbury
