Saturday, April 16, 2011


On my last day at work, March 31, 2011, the staff threw me a nice retirement party, including a big feast! All the annex employees were given about a half hour off to celebrate the occasion, and they gave me a big card signed by all and with a bunch of money stuck in it!

Here’s Alex the postmaster awarding me my certificate of appreciation. On the left is Justin, the supervisor. I could think of thousands of people worse to work for.

Thanks mainly to the generosity of two city carriers, we had more great food than we could eat, and they let my family take home the leftovers. Thinking of past celebrations at the annex, I said to the postmaster, “This is like Christmas!” Alex smiled and retorted, “In your case, it’s more like Thanksgiving.”

And here’s the gang of the city carriers I’d worked with for years. All of them are good friends and, although I’m greatly relieved to be finally out of the postal service, I’ll miss these good people--Lynnette, Tracy, Aaron, Ruben, and Karen. I could say many neat things about each of them, but this blog would crash with the volume. Tracy, pictured out of uniform, even came in on her day off for the event! I can’t even fathom that sacrifice. Valerie, one of the clerks, not pictured, also came in on her day off and took these pictures. These good, strong and infinitely patient people are still working for the United States Postal Service, a struggling and often mismanaged organization, and if the USPS continues to thrive, it will be because of them.


For the complete contents of the Butter Rum Cartoon, click here.


  1. I'm sure you will remember this moment for a long time. I knew a couple of them "besides you", and they were great people.

  2. Congratulations! What's next?

  3. Hi Milly! (Milly's blog is great, folks!)
    I'm still figuring out that I'm really retired, but once I do, you should find a hint to the answer at

  4. Hooray for your Dad's retirement party! Events like this is one of the most memorable experiences you'll never forget, and I am truly happy that you guys enjoyed it. And like you, I've also enjoyed my retirement party several years ago.

  5. Retirement parties are something you remember for ever. After so many years of working, it is well deserved. Nice story to read, like all the other stories you write.Keep writing Dale and I will continue to read them.
