Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Here’s another WHAT IS IT? Contest, and this time I don’t know the answer! This coin/medal belonged to my Dad, and now I have it and don’t know its purpose or when or where it‘s from. I can’t find a satisfactory explanation of it online, nor can I find another precise image of it. The coin is 1 3/8” (35mm) in diameter and appears to be made of bronze. On the front is an image of a man riding a horse, in apparently Middle Ages garb, and around it it says: “HIC RHODUS HIC SALTA.” This is a Latin phrase from Aesop’s Fables, literally translated “Here is Rhodes, jump here!” or more understandably, “Prove what you can do, here and now.” On the back of the coin is an image of a sail ship and the words: “Norske Love.” It turns out that Norske Love was an actual Danish Norwegian warship in 1765. There is no other information on this coin/medal. Can anyone tell me what it is?


  1. Wow! My dad had one too!!! Oh, must be because you're my brother! Ya'think?

  2. This is not a coin, it's a medal. These were sometimes given to seamen for winning a race or sometimes to students graduating from sailing school; a sailing school ship (Segelschulschiff).

    Hi Dale. You wouldn't even believe who's writing this. Best to Micki.

  3. Thank you! So who commented above? I would believe it if you tell me. I wonder how my Dad, who never sailed a boat, came into possession of it. And is it of a particular nationality?

  4. Like the Scarlet Pimpernel I must remain anonymous. As for nationality; my money is on Norway. The ship "Norske Love" (which doesn't mean having a lust for Norwegians, but rather it means "Norwegian Lion")would probably not be the emblem of choice for any other of the famously nationalistic sailing schools. This type of medal is almost exclusively a Germanic and Scandinavian tradition, therefore: Norway.

    As to how your Father got it -- well that's anybody's guess. It's possible somebody put it in the collection plate by mistake!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. i have one too, am from mauritius
    mine is 31mm and in the back it is engraved
    ''Deus Salva Nos''[god save us]
    anyone has an idea where it comes from?

  7. hups ..yo tengo una en buen estado y tampoco se nada de ella si encuentran algo de info por favor publicar

  8. no e encontrado nada sobre ella al parecer la inscripcion es una frase antigua ...
    sorry i do not speak englisch

  9. There is one just like it listed for sale on ebay right now. I found this thread while researching the listing. Anonymous becuz it's the easiest way to post here

  10. Found the ebay listing. There it's on a little chain with hooks on the end, apparently a military medal, but it doesn't say anything about it, darn it.

  11. Hi! I have another one! I've kept it since I was a child, and I don't really know how I came across with it, but suddenly appeared some weeks ago and it has taken a special simbolic value for me for some personal reasons. I just can't imagine how this medal came from Norway (if it is its origin) to Spain, but I only know that it appeared after a lot of time thinking about moving to some scandinavian country. What a coincidence, don't you think? Well, thank you for posting this! I would really appreciate if somebody can share more information about this beautiful little treasure.

  12. I forgot to say it is in fact a medal, mine has a little orifice at the top for the chain.

  13. At close inspection, it looks like mine might have had a metal loop at the top for a chain, but sawed off and perhaps filed down to turn it into a coin. But I'm not sure. Wow, Jaume, I feel like you and I should form some sort of secret club or something.

  14. I was trying to understand what the meaning of this medal,and I found this page..I have one too,mine is silver..I live in Greece and honestly I don't know how it came to my house..I had it since I was little and I kept it in a box which I found yesterday when I was packing some old stuff..

  15. i found my one on wimbledon common it too has a small orifice for a chain at the top.

  16. Haha i have one of those too, and i live in finland, mine says deus salva nos?

  17. We should start a club of all the people in the world who have this mysterious coin.

    1. That s good idea Dale.. we had this one too and I try to search more info. here n google what is the meaning of this medal..

  18. I have just found a walking cane in an old house I bought with two of these coins embedded in the handle. They have a picture of a ship on with Deus Salva Nos. I can't see the other side of the coins but there are no chain loops on them?

    1. Embedded in the handle of a cane tells me that this coin was held to be important, at least in meaning. What a find!

  19. I'm sitting here reading these post because going through my motherinlaws things, she passed last Dec., that we have, we came across this coin/medallion, I'm beginning to think she may have had a secret life at one time, a member of a secret society,lol no she just collected alot of what she called treasures,,it is neat though

  20. I'm sitting here reading these post because going through my motherinlaws things, she passed last Dec., that we have, we came across this coin/medallion, I'm beginning to think she may have had a secret life at one time, a member of a secret society,lol no she just collected alot of what she called treasures,,it is neat though

  21. I've had mine since a child and again don't really know where it came from, always loved it. Just cleaning up an thought I'd type in the wording. Pleased to know if really is something significant.

  22. I have one in silver and on a chain. It has the Norske Love on the opposite side. My mother gave it to me when I was a teenager, after we left Germany for the US. No idea where she got it, but I will never give it up. There's something about it that's so beautifully mysterious.

    Also posting as anonymous for the sake of convenience.

  23. I too have one, found it in my grandma's Jewelry in a round box with blue velvet top. Still can't find any good info on it, mine is on a silver chain.

  24. Here is the ships infoøve_(1704)

    1. Thank you, Jo, for this link. Very interesting, and now I have several pictures of (models of) the ship.

  25. I have one of these. I won it in a auction on a web site called has a clip on the back.( like use to be one the back of clip on earrings. Except it has a round ring that clips it..maybe to a collar of a jacket or shirt.

  26. I found one in my mother's jewelry chest. My guess is she got it in Germany in the early 1950's - my father was stationed in Worms with the U.S. Army.

    1. My father, too, was stationed in Germany around that time. The mystery thickens.

  27. Maybe the medallions were sold in the PX? My mother's is 35mm. in diameter and has the loop still attached, and she has it on a necklace. It appears to be made of bronze, or perhaps brass.

  28. I'd hate to think they were just sold in the PX, and, if so, why? My Dad's was stuck away in a little box with other keepsakes, and I don't think just a purchased item would be there, without meaning attached. His - the one I have now - is like the others, except if it ever had a loop, it's been cut off and filed down. I appears to be a coin.

  29. I also have one of these items that belonged to my mother who brought it with her when she emigrated to Canada from Germany after WWII. Mine has the chain still attached which looks like it would fit through a hole in a men's jacket and then hang on the outside.

  30. Hello everyone,
    I found one today at a hill buried 30cm deep. The hill was man-made at the end of WWII and is located at the southern border of Berlin/Germany. So maybe the medal indeed originates in the 50s.
    Great to see there's an actual story behind this.
