Monday, May 5, 2014


In high school freshman biology class, before the teacher came in each day, I would go up to the blackboard and write down some profound saying I thought up. Then, as the class and I watched and listened, the teacher would come in, read the board, and spend a couple minutes tearing my saying down, probably hoping that by belittling me I would quit writing on the board. Eventually he knew I was the author of these proverbs in chalk, and so would look at me while dismantling my wisdom.

Then one day I wrote on the board: "I know of only one bird - the parrot - that talks and it can't fly very high." And the teacher came in and tore the saying apart. Of course other birds, like the Mynah, can talk, and parrots can fly quite high, etc. But before he was done tearing "my" words to pieces, I said, "Oh, I forgot something," and went up to the board and added the name of the quotation's author - Wilbur Wright.

For the complete contents of the Butter Rum Cartoon, click here.


  1. Another similar quote... "Those who say it can't be done, should not interrupt those who are doing it."
    --unknown (to me, at least)

    1. George Bernard Shaw . . . great quote! I should have used that one on the chalkboard.
