Sunday, January 23, 2011


One day in Bellingham, Washington, in the late ‘70’s, Micki and I were riding on W. Holly Street on our motorcycle, arguing terribly. Finally I let her off to walk the last four blocks home, and I shot off on the bike diagonally across an intersection, ignoring the red light. A siren then added to the angry noise in my head, and a cop pulled me over.

“May I see your driver’s license?” said the cop.

“See that woman over there!?” I shouted as I pulled out my wallet for my license.

The cop turned and saw Micki as she walked by smirking. “Yes,” he said.

“That’s my wife!” I hollered. “We’re in an argument! Now give me a ticket; it’ll make my day!”

The cop looked at my license, and said, “Mr. Lund, you ran a red light back there…”

“I know!” I yelled. “Now give me a ticket and make my day!”

The cop calmly filled out a form while Micki walked out of sight and while I sat there astride the bike, fuming. Finally he handed me back my license and the form, and said, “Mr. Lund, I’m only giving you a warning, not a ticket. Please drive more carefully. We want you to live so you can get into more arguments.”

I was stunned. I said, “Thank you,” and put the wallet back into my pocket, started the bike, and rode home. Of course I made up with Micki as soon as I walked in. This good cop’s words have stayed with me ever since, as has my gratitude for his kindness that put an end to my anger.

For the complete contents of the Butter Rum Cartoon, click here.


  1. I love you my traveling companion, it's been a trip as we are turned round and round, laughing and learning. Love, Micki

  2. Did you think you were Clint Eastwood or Dirty Harry? Very nice policeman, he reacted very calmly. Also good anwser, he wanted you to live so you could get into more arguments. The star of this story is the policeman.
    Wilfredo Morales
