Saturday, December 15, 2012


This test was the joint effort of several psychologists and was presented on the David Frost Show decades ago. I've since found it to be very credible.

This is a river. And there is man A, man B, man C, man D, and woman X.

X is in love with C, but the only way across the river is by boat, and A is the only one with a boat. So X goes to A and asks him if he'll take her across the river. A says, "I'll take you across if you sleep with me." X doesn't want to do that, so she goes to B and asks him for help, and B says, "It's your problem; I don't want to get involved." So, X goes back to A and says, "Okay, I'll sleep with you if you'll take me across." And she does. And he does. But when she gets to C, C finds out that she had slept with A, and he says, "Go away; I don't want you anymore." Then D speaks up and says, "It's okay, I'll marry you."

Now, out of just what you know from this story, list in order, from most to least, which people you like, including all five, A, B, C, D, and X.

After you've made your list, see interpretation at Results.

For the complete contents of the Butter Rum Cartoon, click here.

1 comment:

  1. Dale- Very Good. I had read something like this during a teachers training session in the 1970`s. The point that many supported was that she didn`t have to summit to having sex, she was guilty also.
